kaschkasch: “What the user sees at first sight is Bolita’s beauty, not its function”
Innovation and originality are aspects to be taken into account when creating a new design. How does this game between contemporaneity and uniqueness work?
FYou have to find a perfect balance between function and aesthetics. Research is key, you have to know what’s out there, what’s on the market. And then you have to be able to forget about this and to come up with really new ideas.
SIn the beginning of a project it’s not in our minds to make the most innovative product on the market. It’s more like we are concentrating on the idea and its essential elements and then, in the end, we hope it’s pretty innovative. For us, it’s pretty much a combination between function and aesthetics, and that’s why I think our products are often innovative.

Beyond the obvious lighting function, what do you think a lamp can bring to its environment?
FWhen the sun goes down, light is the most important thing for the atmosphere in the room, it can change the mood completely. For example, in the studio, the light is white so we stay concentrated. It would take a light much more yellow, or much more dark to change the mood of the room.
The interaction between the user and the light source is a key element in your designs, a relationship that goes beyond an on and off click. Why do you think it is necessary to give more freedom of use to the user?
FNowadays, most people have a very technical interaction with objects, for example, with the computer or the mobile phone. The Bolita lamp is a very simple idea, it kind of brings you back to where we are coming from. With the Bolita you have a really nice interaction with the object, because you have to touch the whole lamp and move the body of glass, you cannot switch it on and then just leave it there.
During the design process, what are you inspired by? Are there any specific values you want to highlight in your designs?
SIt really depends on the project but, from my point of view, beauty is always really important, and you want to combine it with a function. This is what the user sees at first sight, the beauty of the lamp, not the function. If you see the Bolita, for example, at first sight you don’t see what it is, you don’t understand the playful movement of this lamp, you just see a beautiful object made of glass.
The Bolita has a more mechanic than electronic function, it seeks for a caress more than a simple click of a switch. Did you feel a need to connect the user to the technology in a warmer, closer and more sensitive way? Is this why it has a clean and simple design, with a soft surface?
FThe kind of material we choose is always an important aspect of the product. With the Bolita we definitely wanted to choose glass because it’s a pleasure to touch.
SAnd it’s not only about the material, but also about the shapes. You want to touch the Bolita, it looks so soft, like a little stone, so you want to touch it and move it and that’s how you discover the product.
FI think it’s very intuitive in the end, even if most of the people don’t get how it works at first sight. People don’t have to understand the technical part of a lamp, they just have to use it and enjoy it. Some people will understand it and be surprised by how simple it is.
In your case, you work as a creative duo. How is your workflow when creating a new design?
FThe biggest aspect for us when we have to create something is to work together. It’s very common for us to have totally different ideas about how a user will use the design, so we have to discuss and come up with a conclusion and an idea that will work for everybody.
SIf someone comes up with the idea, the other one is like a mirror and asks: Is it really a good idea or do you think maybe we can change something?
FThe main question we ask ourselves is what’s the strongest idea. The idea behind the Bolita was to dim it by moving the glass body. The next question we asked ourselves was how can we come up with the perfect shape to communicate this idea. The Bolita is super playful, it’s very interesting to see how people interact with it and seeing their reactions.