Privacy Policy


Company name of the Data Controller: MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A.

Tax ID Code (CIF): A08462681.

Address: Carretera de Rubí, 284.

Town/City: Terrassa.

Postcode: 08228

Data Protection Officer:



This Privacy Policy describes how MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. regulates the collection, use and other forms of processing of personal data provided by Users on this website or in any of the entity’s Internet environments. Through the use of the forms on the different websites related to services provided by MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A., Users accept that the data they provide may be included and processed in the company’s personal data processing activities. Users may exercise the pertinent rights before the owner of this data processing, MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A., as established in the following clauses. All the relevant legal texts are available to users and/or data subjects on the corresponding website. Said texts may be modified and/or updated according to the needs and activities carried out by MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A.

Who is the controller of your data?

MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. is the legal entity responsible for the collection and processing of your personal data in relation to the services it provides. MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. undertakes to respect and safeguard your privacy and the security of your data. The data controller’s identification details are as follows:

What categories of data do we process and for what purpose(s)?

In accordance with the provisions of current regulations, MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. only collects the data that is strictly necessary to offer the services derived from its activity and other features, procedures and activities provided by Law.

On this website, any data that is collected from the user may be processed for the following purposes:

The data collected through the subscription form to our newsletter (email, nationality and professional data) is used to manage the subscription to our newsletters, as well as to send any communications that may be of interest, such as: offers, advertising, commercial and informational communications, promotions, etc.

The data collected through the account creation form (name, surname, email, nationality and professional data) is used to manage the creation of a user account and provide the services associated with it.

The data collected for the processing of an order (name, surname, email, telephone, postal address, bank details, etc.) is used to manage the purchase, preparation and shipment of the order.

The data collected through the ‘work with us’ form (name, email and data contained in the CV: academic data, employment details, social and personal circumstances, image, etc.) is used to manage applications submitted by candidates and to enable them to participate in our personnel recruitment processes.

The data provided through the ‘contact us’ form (name, email, nationality and any data that you may provide us with in an email or message), through the enabled email addresses or through our social media sites, is used to manage contact details and respond to requests, questions or suggestions.

In addition, we may use the data provided, in each case, to carry out statistical studies.

How long will we store your personal data?

Personal data may be stored according to different criteria depending on the purpose for which it was collected. As a general rule, the data is kept in accordance with the legally established or recommended duration and, in any case, until the statute of limitations on any legal claims that may arise has elapsed.

However, in cases such as the creation of a user account or for sending the newsletter, the data will be kept as long as the data subject does not revoke their consent, exercise their right to erasure or objection to the processing.

What is the legal basis for processing your data?

The legal basis for processing of your data may vary depending on the purpose for which it was collected:

-Explicit consent:

Web subscription to the newsletter

Creation of an account.

Work with us.

– Contractual relationship:

Placing an order / purchasing a product.

-Legitimate interest:

Sending newsletters to customers.

Contact us.

Statistical studies.

To whom will your data be sent?

We may send the data in the following cases:

-To suppliers that provide services to MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A., in relation to the purposes described, such as computer services, content hosting, instant messaging, sending of notifications, advertising services, transportation, software and apps, etc. The company guarantees that the suppliers with whom it works process personal data in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.

– To the different companies that form part of the Marset Group, which are identified in the following link:

-In those cases where there is a legal obligation to do so.

MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. does not sell, rent or transfer the personal data of the users of this website, except when necessary for the provision of the service itself.

MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. does not sell, rent or transfer the email addresses of its users to other companies, except when necessary for the provision of the service itself. The website has links, applications and features which it shares with third parties, such as social media networks and online communication systems. MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. is not liable for the information contained in said applications, features or social media networks owned by third parties as it does not have any management capacity or control over them. Therefore the legal notices and privacy policies that may appear on the websites or similar of third parties apply in these cases.

What are the rights of the Users who provide us with their data?

With regard to the data collected in the manner described in the first point, Users may exercise the rights recognised in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), and in particular the rights of portability, access, rectification, erasure and restriction of processing. The rights referred to in the preceding paragraph may be exercised by each User by means of a written and signed request, accompanied by a photocopy of their national ID card (DNI) or passport, sent to the following address:


Ctra. de Rubí 284, 08228 – Terrassa, Barcelona

Or at the following email address:

Users are also hereby informed that they can withdraw their consent for the processing of their data at any time, as well as lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency) if they consider it appropriate.


In the event of any conduct or situation that could generate an incident or irregularity of any kind, please contact:

MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. Ctra. de Rubí 284, 08228 – Terrassa, Barcelona


By entering data into any data collection form, users accept these terms of use and privacy policy, and consider themselves to be duly informed on the aforementioned terms of use and privacy policy and agree to fully abide by them while visiting the website.
In any case, Users are responsible for the authenticity of the data provided, that it is accurate, current and complete for the purpose for which it is provided. Users also accept responsibility for any damages, both loss of profit and consequential, which could be generated by said inaccuracies or falsehoods. If the data provided in the corresponding forms is owned by a third party, the user is solely responsible for properly obtaining said third party’s consent and for informing it of the terms contained in this legal notice and privacy policies.


Users shall be solely responsible for both accessing the websites and for the use that they may make of the information and contents included therein. Therefore, the use that can be made of the information, images, content and/or products reviewed and accessible through it, will be subject to the applicable law, whether national or international, as well as to the principles of good faith and lawful use by the Users, who will be entirely responsible for said access and correct use. Users are required to use the services or contents reasonably, under the principle of good faith and in observance of applicable laws, morality, public order, moral standards, the rights of third parties or of MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. itself, all based on the possibilities and purposes for which said services and contents were conceived. MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. accepts no responsibility, whether direct or indirect, arising from potential or consequential damage or loss of profit stemming from the misuse of the services or contents made by the Users or third parties.


In compliance with the duty of information specified in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on the Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), we inform you that the promoter and content manager of the website from which you can download different applications and/or information is MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A., with registered offices in DIRELARGA. The internet HTTP domain is duly recorded in the corresponding registry. Users and/or interested parties may contact MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. by writing to
Any other commercial, business, administrative or contracting activity of goods and/or services is the responsibility of the company mentioned above, which is the owner of this domain.


The company is only responsible for the contents and management of those web pages it owns or to which it has a right of a similar nature. Any other website or social media site or repository of information on the internet, outside of this website, is the responsibility of its legal owners.
MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. routinely works with different applications and online environments, and always recommends to all users that, before accessing these online environments, they carefully read the corresponding legal notices and privacy policies, and only access them once they have understood and accepted said legal text in its totality.

MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. is committed to controlling the contents that are presented in these social media sites and will expel those users who misuse them.
In keeping with instructions from the National Institute of Communication Technologies (INTECO) and the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) for using social media or navigating in online environments, MARSET ILUMINACIÓN, S.A. recommends taking the following actions (if and when they are available):

• Users are advised to use personal pseudonyms or nicknames when they are online, allowing them to have an authentic “digital identity” that does not compromise the security of their personal and professional lives.

• Users are advised to take special care when publishing audiovisual and graphic content in their profiles, since in this case they may be placing the privacy and intimacy of people around them at risk.

• Users are advised to review and read, both prior to and after registering as a user, the general terms of use and the privacy policy that the platform makes available on its websites.

• Users are advised to adequately configure the privacy settings of their social media profiles so that they are not fully accessible to the public, but only to those people who have been previously identified by the user as “friends” or “direct contacts”.

• Users are advised to accept as contacts only those people known to them or with whom they have a prior relationship, and not to automatically accept all contact requests received and to investigate, whenever possible and necessary, the identity of the person requesting contact through the social media site.

• Users are advised not to publish in their user profile physical contact information, which allows anyone to know where they live, where they work or study or the public places they usuallyfrequent.

• Users of microblogging tools are advised to take special care regarding the publication of information relative to their current location at any given time.

• Users are advised to only use and publish that content for which they have sufficient intellectual property rights. Otherwise, they may be engaging in a civil offense prosecutable in national courts.

• Users are advised to employ different usernames and passwords to log into the various social media sites in which they have an account.

• Users are advised to use passwords with a minimum length of 8 characters, containing numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters.

• Users are advised to install antivirus software on their computers and to keep it properly updated.

• Minors should not reveal excessive personal data. Never give data to strangers.

• All the information concerning the website must be read. It explains who owns the
website and the purpose for which the data is requested.

• If the user is under fourteen years of age, the consent of a parent or guardian is also required. In these cases, whenever data is requested by a social media site, the consent of the parents or guardians must be obtained prior to registering.

• Usernames and passwords should not be provided to third parties or shared with friends or classmates. This data is private and must not be provided to third parties and/or strangers.

• If in doubt regarding any situation stemming from the use of social media and their associated tools, parents or guardians should be asked.

• The computer should be kept in a common area of ​​the house.

• Rules should be established on the use of the internet at home.

• Parents should know the operation and possibilities, both positive and negative, offered by this type of platform.

• Activate parental control and platform control tools, and provide the parent or guardian’s e-mail as a secondary contact e-mail.

• Make sure that age verification controls are in place.

• Make sure a content blocker is correctly installed.

• Inform minors about security aspects.

• Explain to children that they should never meet people they know from the online world and that if they do, they should always be in the company of a parent or guardian.

• Ensure that children know the risks and implications of hosting content such as videos and photographs, as well as of using webcams through social media.

• Monitor the minor’s user profile.

• Make sure that children only access pages suitable for their age.

• Ensure that children do not use their full name.

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