When it comes to illuminating a space, light allows us to decide what to reveal and what to hide, a game of contrasts that generates a surprise effect. In any setting, lamps become objects that help connect with the place, bring proportion, and generate intimacy and warmth around them. This is how light helps us appropriate the place and feel comfortable in it.
Our collection proposes designs with lighting that does not dazzle, soft, that collects us and integrates into the space, whether it is indoors or outdoors.
Through the language of light, the Marset collection wants to bring beauty, reveal textures, highlight spaces, and make them more livable.

Building Light ResponsiblySustainability
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Jobs & Careers
In recent years, Marset has made a mark for itself as a young brand with a strong presence and international calling. We believe that people are at the heart of Marset. Our current and future success depends greatly on them. We like lasting and consolidated relationships, not only with clients and designers, but also with our team, and we strive to make it so.

Jobs & Careers
In recent years, Marset has made a mark for itself as a young brand with a strong presence and international calling. We believe that people are at the heart of Marset. Our current and future success depends greatly on them. We like lasting and consolidated relationships, not only with clients and designers, but also with our team, and we strive to make it so.
Marset Headquarters and Factory
Ctra. Rubí, 284
08228 Terrassa (Barcelona)
T +34 934 602 067
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Marset USA, Inc.
202 N 10th street,
Brooklyn, NY 11211
T +1 646 727 4250
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Marset USA
Milan Showroom
Via dell’Annunciata 29
20121 Milán (Italia)
T+39 366 605 9083
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Marset Europe
Mexico Showroom
Av. Paseo de las Palmas 980,
Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo,
11000 Ciudad de México, CDMX, México
T+52 5568170926
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Marset LATAM
Oporto Showroom
Rua da Aliança 369,
4250-031 Porto, Portugal
T +34 934 602 067
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Marset Europe