Copérnica x Simon Zimmermann

A Marset Takeover with

Copérnica x Simon Zimmermann


Passionate about interior design, streetwear and cycling, Simon Zimmermann talks about his influences, his home and good coffee, which isn’t just any coffee.

With “Slow Down” as his mantra, in this interview Zimmermann shares his view of light and the things he loves, revealing that Copérnica is a lamp he won’t be keeping always in the same spot.

Hello, Simon. We've been looking forward to having a coffee with you and hearing about your life, the objects that surround you and your relationship with design. Thanks for taking the time to do this interview.
 It's Sunday morning and the light's flooding in. What are you going to do?
SZFirst things first: head to my Linea Mini and start the day with a coffee.
What wakes you up better: sunlight or a flat white?
SZA flat white is essential for my morning routine.
Making coffee's quite a ritual - what other everyday rituals do you have?
SZWhile enjoying my first cup of coffee, I always check my emails and social media accounts. I know, not the best thing to do but, hey, questions have to be answered. After that I have my normal 9 to 5 job and, once all the to-do’s are done, it’s time for cycling or running, which I’ve enjoyed lately.
Vinyl, mid-century modern furniture, design books, Bauhaus, plants... Your home's a reflection of your personality. If you had to define it in one word, what would it be?
SZTwo words: “slow down”; it’s become not only a tattoo but also a kind of mantra for me.
How have you gone about forging your style? Who or what has influenced you?
SZI’ve always enjoyed the work of Ray and Charles Eames and a lot  of the mid-century era. Best thing about it - you can still find endless good stuff for good prices on the second-hand market. Books and magazines help a lot and also my Instagram algorithm helps to get me inspired.  
We're used to seeing unattainable houses on the internet. You live together with design in a natural way. Your home's inspiring but approachable. What do you think motivates people to follow you on social media?
SZI think one point is that I thrift a lot of my stuff and that makes it more approachable. My lunch table, for example, was €15 and people love it. Also people know that it took a lot of time to find all the things I now have. It‘s not the "I have an endless budget and buy all the classics at once" style. Sometimes I don’t buy stuff for months and wait for the perfect piece and a good price. Also people love the everyday “latte art Stories”, ha ha!
Light's very important in your photographs. What's your favourite kind of light to take them?
SZNatural light is, of course, key for photographs and I like to play with it when shooting outside the house. To be honest, inside we barely have natural light as the house faces north. That means I have around 5-10 minutes to place my coffee and use the sunlight. Besides that, I use all the ambient lights I have to get a cosy look at home.
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